There is a couple that I work on regularly that almost always asks me which person had more tension. They are both hard working people and they do very different kinds of work. It is hard to compare the tension of a runner with the tension that comes from being at a desk all day. One might as well ask whether it is easier to lift one good-sized boulder or 10,000 grains of sand one at a time. Pain is a feeling, a response that is not truly quantifiable.Many people ask how tight they are in relation to others. I don't think that most want to believe that they are damage or broken. I see people who are in pain who need validation for how they feel. We often don't want to wear our pain openly. There is a funny misconception that it is a sign of strength to hold in our pain. I have found personally that being open and vulnerable takes far more endurance and will than ignoring and keeping it inside. I believe that confronting these feelings within ourselves is an integral part of the healing process. Our discomfort is valid no matter where it falls in the spectrum of human experience. Pain is an important feeling because it tells us when to slow down, when to turn inward. Your tension deserves to be acknowledged and your pain deserves to be relieved.
Health is a process. It's not a level we reach and then we are healthy indefinitely. Our body is in a constant state of renewal. There will always be things we could do differently, maybe better. The thing I always try to remind myself is to acknowledge what I feel in the moment and go from there.
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? ~ Rumi
Health is a process. It's not a level we reach and then we are healthy indefinitely. Our body is in a constant state of renewal. There will always be things we could do differently, maybe better. The thing I always try to remind myself is to acknowledge what I feel in the moment and go from there.
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? ~ Rumi